New Chapter

Exactly 15 months since my intrepid and perhaps foolish decision to resign from my secure yet tedious role as an international recruitment specialist in higher education to seek greater opportunities in a bigger city, I can finally be confident to open up a new chapter. Undoubtedly this unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic that immediately followed my leaving Nebraska played a major factor, but being rejected by thousands of jobs over the past several years filled my head with ceaseless doubts, that, if nobody wants to hire me, I must have a serious flaw. I periodically reminded myself of the story of Joseph, who overnight became an equivalent of vice president, not that I weigh godly success on a scale of worldly significance but rather that God can turn one’s life around in a split second, but even this stopped to inspire me. Turning down a few entry-level positions along the way forced me to question if I made a mistake; lowering my standards, I unsuccessfully applied for a job in a shoe store as a sales associate in desperation, no longer considering my nearly eight years of work experience. In March, I was finally offered a job, less than ideal, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and, as I was prepared to accept and relocate, the hiring manager rescinded my offer having found a local whom she could pay less. Reaching final rounds in countless interviews and falling just short and eventually being offered employment just to have that taken back, how could I continue to keep a positive attitude and not wonder things I should never as a follower of Christ?

As I resumed applying at a lightning pace, I was contacted by a growing company called Personify in Raleigh, North Carolina. Although I moved forward, lacking information, I initially did so unenthusiastically. Nevertheless, as I spoke to one leader to the next, each member’s optimism, humility, and cordiality magnetized me, not to mention how refreshing I felt being interviewed by people who clearly thoroughly read my resume unlike many who have interviewed me in the past. The team’s going the extra mile to accommodate my needs made me feel appreciative and not want to consider any other, albeit ironically at this point I had three other prospects alive simultaneously. Offered the position of Recruiter III on April Fools’ Day, I signed and initialed the acceptance document the following day and by the same evening received the completed version including all required signatures, making my employment official. Based on how unpredictable my life has been, I should have been accustomed to expecting the unexpected, that many are the plans in my heart, but it is His purpose that prevails. I will begin training remotely here in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 12 and plan to permanently relocate to Raleigh most likely once I receive my second dose of COVID-19 vaccine on the 20th.

I particularly enjoy the confirmation of this new chapter of my life on Good Friday, reflecting on my Savior’s sacrifice to give me and anyone who believes in Him eternal life. With Easter Sunday coming, I hope for renewed Resurrection faith prior to taking on this new work with all my heart as working for Him, not for human masters.

4 thoughts on “New Chapter

  1. I was really needing to read this today. Beyond frustrated in job searches and questioning myself more every day. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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